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If you run into Gary Bunghart (former SysOp of the GEnie Destination Florida RoundTable), tell him COCO-SYSOP says hi!

A Brief History of
For those who missed it the first time.

Al with camcorder at WDW, 11/99Welcome, DisneyFans, to my new domain. Back in 1995 (or was it 96?) I put up my first web site at which later became known as GeoCities. It was an amazing thought back then - a place that literally gave you free web space, and a quota of about 512K! Times have certainly changed since then, but my original site sure was alot of fun to work with!

Towards the end of my GeoCities days I registered with the then-new service which provided e-mail and URL aliasing, and thus my site was known as This was a good thing, since problems getting files uploaded to GeoCities, along with increasingly annoying banner ads and storage limits let me to move my site to Delphi ( which began life back in the late 80's as a text only online service).

At some point I started operating an FTP server which was hosted from my PC and available only when I was dialed into the internet. Sure it was slow, and not often available, but it gave me a chance to share my pictures with the rest of the 'net.

Eventually I found a web host that could give me the hundreds of megs of storage my photos needed and I moved full time to simplenet. They provided excellent service for many years, but I eventually wanted to have a little more power and control over my site, as well as my own domain without having to pay extra for hosting it. In 1998, I registerd and moved to That is when my webhosting business began, and I became a reseller offering accounts for $7 per month. (That service, by the way, was owned and maintained by a longtime friend of mine, Scott Griepentrog, whose name I'm never quite sure I've spelt correctly.) Eventually I outgrew his server, and moved to a commercial server lease where I have remained ever since. Since then, I have hosted dozens of other Disney fan sites that have come and gone.

Shortly after I registered for my Disney pictures, I started up for my renaissance festival collection. AtTheFaire is operated primarily by my former partner, Lindsy, who bulit alot of fairely good content over there. But I digress...

The future of this site will certainly involve adding more pictures as I take them. Actually, I have a few hundred digital images I need to transfer over here when I get the time, including alot of "inside attraction" pictures. I may even put up some QuickTime or Real Video movies, too, taken from many hours of digital video footage shot since 1999. Ah, if only I had the time...

In case anyone is still with me, there are a few other sites I am indirectly involved with. The CoCoPedia is around for folks who remember the old Radio Shack CoCo computer.

At any rate, thank you so much for visiting DisneyFans! Watch this space for future announcements...


Allen Huffman, webmaster

PS - My site may no longer exist, but I have an ancient mirror of it here.

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Monday, December 18, 2017 7:54 PM