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Hidden Eeyore...

Indiana Jones Adventure - The Hidden Eeyore
by Allen Huffman

December 21, 2003

Okay, this is just a quick thing I wanted to post. Back around 1993-1994 I was a member of the General Electric online service called GEnie. (This was before the internet as we know it existed.) In their Destination Florida RoundTable (discussion area, chat room files) were topics for Walt Disney World and Disneyland. I was living in Texas at the time and had not been to a Disney park in a few years (we used to take family trips to Florida almost every summer).

I was reading details of an upcoming Disneyland attraction based on Indiana Jones. I had not actually been to Disneyland since the 1970s and this attraction sounded like a reason to return.

During construction, people posted all kinds of details on what the attraction would be and how it would operate. I finally got to see it firsthand in December 1995 and it was fantastic. By this time, I had early internet access (mostly text in those days -- the only digital cameras that existed were the Apple QuickTake ones, if I recall). Anyway, there was talk of various "hidden Mickey" type things in various places around the parks, and Indy was no exception. Since the Indiana Jones show building was constructed on what used to be part of the park's parking lot, a tribute was placed inside the ride. That section of the lot was the Eeyore section, and somewhere in the queue was one of the parking lot signs.

For years I heard about this, including descriptions on where it was (the slide/film room where the safety video plays. It was up on a wall, somewhere, and you could see it by using a flashlight. I'd never brought a flashlight into Disneyland so for years I never actually saw this hidden tribute.

Until now. Thanks to Refurb Mike at for pointing it out.

The film room is mostly bypassed these days due to FastPass (you no longer zig zag through it). If you go through it, then turn around and look back (at the end where the screen is), you will see this:

Indiana Jones Projector Room

It's hard to see, but the bright dot of light up above is the light from the projector. Here is a similar view using NightVision (sorry about the blurriness):

Indiana Jones Projector Room NV

Can you see it? Not from that pic... But how about this one:

Indiana Jones Eeyore

Tada! Just in case you've ever wondered... While in line we heard some others talking about it, but not knowing where it was, either.

-- Allen

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