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Archive from January 2008

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008 6:33AM
DisneyFans icon
6:33 AM - DisneyFans should be working again. (posted by Allen )
Sub-sections of DisneyFans, like the photo galleries, etc., were not working the past two days, but should be back now. Thanks to Chris F. for the report.

If you find any broken links, please let me know!
Friday, January 25, 2008 6:30PM
DisneyFans icon
6:30 PM - Take a cheap luxury vacation to help DisneyFans out. (posted by Allen )
Hey, at the top of every page is now a banner from Westgate Resorts. I own a timeshare with them (so close to Disney you can see the Tree of Life from it) and it's very very nice. You can tour the place and get a cheap stay (90 minute estimate, but plan for 2 or more hours if you ask tons of questions). It's a great way to see what's behind all those "cheap attraction tickets" booths all over the place.

Westgate, by the way, is the guy who originally operated one of Orlando's classic attractions -- Mystery Fun House! I remember going to that in the 70s when the only thing Disney had was The Magic Kingdom! So long ago.

So take a look, click the banner, and see what you think. Let me know if you decide to go.

And, if you want more information, e-mail me your name and phone number and I'll pass it along. I get credit for referrals and it could really help me out.
Sunday, January 13, 2008 2:35PM
Video icon
2:35 PM - EPCOT as seen from the Ron Paul Blimp (posted by Allen )
Just for fun, at 2:25 in this video are a few seconds of EPCOT as seen from the Ron Paul Blimp.

(Update: It looks like there were several cameras running during this blimp ride over Orlando, and Disney World shows up in several of them.)

PS - Yes, I'm a Ron Paul supporter now. I actually registered Republican so I could vote for my first time in the Iowa Caucus a few weeks ago. I think in 20 years of being "voting age" I've only voted 2 or 3 times, but it's hard to argue following the constitution. (And, to be honest, the whole reason I found out about him was his plan to phase out the Federal Income Tax. After this happens - probably several few years to achieve - I keep thinking about how many thousands of dollars extra per year I'd have to spend, and what that kind money could do for improving the USA economy. All the other freedom stuff is just a nice bonus. But don't trust me. Google Ron Paul yourself and check him out.)
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