9:03 AM - New project: Haunted Houses in Des Moines (posted by
I am based in Des Moines, Iowa, and as you may know, I enjoy "themed" attrations (theme parks, themed restaurants, tourist attractions, etc.). I also enjoy haunted houses, and do some work for a local one that has been referred to as the "Walt Disney World of Haunted Attractions" by the newspaper. (They have eight different things to see, and you buy one pass to go through everything.)
So, I started a site indexing them last year:
http://www.dmhauntedhouses.comI mention it here mostly to get it referrenced in the search engines. I will be doing interviews and such with various attractions this season, and posting them to my YouTube channel.
I am also going to help these haunts get websites up, since few have their own sites (making it very difficult to find information on them; thus, me doing that index site). Here's a site (also mentioned to get it noticed):
http://www.ankenyhauntedbarn.comThank you for your time...