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Archive from April 2014

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Monday, April 28, 2014 7:52AM
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7:52 AM - The end of (posted by Allen )
Due to finances, I may be have to take offline in May. I have been posting Disney stuff on the Internet since 1996, but haven't been able to afford a trip to Disney in five years (and no chance of any trips in the foreseeable future). I have also not been very aggressive with my hosting business over the past few years (but still have about 100 sites hosting with me), so unless I can revamp that aspect of it (which is what pays for this site), it may be time to switch off the lights.

If this happens, the domains will remain and be pointed to a small site to keep them active. I just hate to give up the Google juice I have, being one of the oldest and largest Disney fan archives on the internet.

More to come...
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