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The whole point of this site was to provide a resource for those who can't get to the parks in person. As such, anyone is welcome to use any of my photographs provided you give credit to me as the photographer.

I've encountered my photos being posted to various Yahoo! clubs without permission, and found them on sites without credit. Is asking too much to ask?

Copyrights, Disclaimers, and Legal Stuff:
A few requests to those who want to use my photos, and a few statements to (hopefully) keep Disney Legal happy.

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I once received a flaming e-mail from a disgruntled Universal Studios Florida visitor complaining about the park. For some reason they found my site and thought I should receive that letter. In case anyone else wants to try that, let me state the (hopefully) obvious: This site has no connecting with Disney, Universal Studios, Six Flags, the Catholic Church, or even Bob's Deli in Ames, Iowa. If you wish to contact any of them (even Bob), please do so by contacting them and not me. Thanks!


If you wish to use them, just ask. I have never turned down a request, but I do like to know who is using my photos and for what purpose. If you have found any of my photos uncredited on other sites, please let me know. I have recently been informed of my pictures being uploaded to Yahoo! and have found a MIDI file I made circulating on dozens of sites. I just want to ensure proper credit is given where due. (NOTE: does not use any sounds, videos, clip art, logos or images that were not created here.) Thanks! -- the webmaster

This site is an online photo album of pictures I have personally taken over the past few years. There is no implied connection between this site and the Walt Disney Company. Disney rightfully owns the trademarks and copyrights to any characters, names, etc. which I may have pictures of. While the photographs are my personal property, I am making no attempt to claim ownership of the subject matter of these photos. You should always contact Disney directly if you are wanting to use any of their images for commercial purposes.

Keep in mind, photographers always have rights to the photos they take BUT that doesn't give them rights to the images in the photos. For instance, they can take a picture of Mickey Mouse, but they certainly couldn't legally reproduce these photos and sell or publish them without permission from Disney. (This is why so many "unofficial" books on Disney contain no Disney images or pictures -- without permission, they can't even include a picture of the castle on the cover.)

If you have any questions about the use of photos such as these, please contact your lawyer. If you have any complaints about my photos, please contact me. The last thing any of us want is legal troubles for a fan web site.


Thanks! -- Allen

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